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A Study on Employee Performance Appraisal at Gokal Doss Export LTD

Issue Abstract

Performance here refers to the degree of accomplishment of the task that makes up an individual's job. It indicates how well individuals are fulfilling the job demands. The main objective of the study is to identify the employee performance appraisal method in Gokal Dass Export Ltd. The process of Human Resource Development helps the employees acquire and develop Technical, Managerial, and behavioral Knowledge, Skills, and abilities and mold the values, beliefs, and attitudes necessary to perform percent and future roles. It helps the employee and the management to know the level of employee performance compared to the standard or pre-determined level.
Key Word: Performance Appraisal, Skill, Knowledge, Values.

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 May 2016
Issue Pages

Issue References


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