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A Study on Employee Engagement in Work-life Balance with Reference to IT Sector, Chennai

Issue Abstract

Work-life balance is a challenging and tremendous task, between managing work and family conflicts. Conflict arises in the expected behaviour of the employees. The goal of the current study is to quantify work-life balance with work-family conflict and family-work conflict. In addition, the paper aims to find out the different conflicts between work and family, and how to balance the work-life of the respondents. The sample size is 236 and the data is collected from the respondents working in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Data were analyzed using the SPSS, for measuring reliability, validity, loadings, coefficient, and model the appropriateness of the data.
Emperor Journal of Finance Employees need to interact with There are more individuals their family and friends to reduce stress and conflict. Employees realize that family members and co-workers are essential in maintaining work-life balance. Understanding and sharing work-related information with spouses leads to reduced work-family conflict. The study would help decision makers, employers, and employees enrich the employee’s work-life balance, through managing family and work conflicts.
Keywords: Work-Family Conflict, Family-Work Conflict, Work-Life Balance.

Author Information
Ms. R. Susmitha
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 May 2024
Issue Pages

Issue References

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13. Dr. Abdulrahman Ali AlHazemi Assistant Professor of Human Resource Management HOD, HRM Department, College of Business University of Jeddah Email