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A Study on Determinants of Capital Structure of itc Limited in India

Issue Abstract


The capital structure is fundamentally permanent long-term and short-term financing of a firm. although there has been an abundance of research focusing on the most important determinants of capital structure. This study motto to determine the capital structure factors of ITC Limited. Such factors are financial leverage, profitability, tangibility, non-debts tax shield, growth and opportunity, earnings volatility, liquidity, and taxability on capital structure. The data was collected from the ITC limited website, The period of the study is ten years (2004-2005 to 2013 -2014). The result generally consists of the theory of capital structure, predictions as well as previous research papers.

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Apr 2016
Issue Pages

Issue References


  1. Annual reports from the ITC Limited website. 
  2. Profile of ITC Limited. Wikipedia ITC limited, 
  3. Mr. Suresh Babu and prof G.V.Chellam (2014).” Key factors of capital structure decision of Indian software industry, Indian Journal of applied research, volume 6, issue: 6, June 2014, ISSN -224955X ”. 
  4. Dr. R. Kavitha (2014), “ Determinants Of Capital Stricture: Empirical Evidence From India, Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume: 4,issue:7 July 2014, ISSN-224955X ”. 
  5. Gaythiri And Dr. H. Shankar, unpublished theses Department of Commerce, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar.