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A Study on Dealers Satisfaction towards Amman Steels at Trichy City

Issue Abstract

Marketing is a communication process which is the purpose for individuals or groups – Customers are directly or indirectly able to purchase the products and services that may satisfy their existing or newly-identified needs or wants. The objective of this paper was to find the Dealer‟s Satisfaction Level with Steel industries. To examine the factors influencing the dealers, to deal with Steel. The study was with various areas that needs for improvement in steel industry from dealers point of view. The close impact of sales promotion on sales was also considered in the study. The study was conducted through the data analysis and interpretation which suggested that most of the dealers have 10-15 years of experience in dealership of steel product among them there are dealers who are dealing with steel above 10 years. Most of the dealers are very much satisfied with the quality of steel and rated the brand very high. The major promotional factor which influenced the dealers to choose steel papers product is Discounts. The company should have a reasonable credit period for the dealers so that both company and dealers are benefited.

Author Information
R. Agila
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Aug 2024
Issue Pages