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A Study on Customer’s Preference towards E-Commerce Over Traditional Stores with special reference to Alappuzha District

Issue Abstract


Online shopping is definitely a great way to shop with everything available on the websites. From clothes, gift items, food, home needs, medicines and many more, this mode of shopping allows one to shop conveniently without hassle on speeding hours in a supermarket or shopping areas. The internet with its wide array of information hooks, allows the customer to go through various reviews of the product or service before actually heading for purchase. These online shopping websites also have daily deals for the customers looking for discount and store offerings. The present study titled as “A study on customer’s preference towards e-commerce over traditional stores with special reference to Alappuzha District” is conducted to analyses the customers preference towards e-commerce services in Alappuzha District. The study also aims to identify the source from which the customers get information about e- commerce sites and also to understand the problems faced by the customers while entering online shopping.
Keywords: E- commerce, Online sites.

Author Information
Dr. R. Sethu Ravi
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Dec 2019
Issue Pages

Issue References

1. Rachel Bowlby (2001)- Carried Away: The Invention Of Modern Shopping- Columbia University Press
2. Nikhilesh Dholakia, Woltgang Fritz, Ruby Roy Dholakia, Norbert Mundort (2002) - Global E-commerce and Online Marketing : Watching the Evaluation- Quorum Books .
3. Sarika Gupta, Gaurav Gupta –Second Edition – E-Commerce-Khanna book publishing Co. (P)Ltd.
4. Ronald D. Michmao, Alan J Greco (1995)- Retailing Triumphs and Blunders : victims of competition in the New Age of Marketing Management – Quorum Books.
5. Janice Reynolds –The Complete E-Commerce Book: Design, Build & Maintain a successful web-based Business-2 nd Edition- CRC Press.