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A Study on Customers' Perception towards Digital Payment Methods Used in Retail Shops in the Tiruppur District

Issue Abstract


The study aimed to identify the factors influencing digital payment methods adoption, such as ease of use, security, and convenience. This was done by customers in the Tiruppur district. It also sought to determine whether there are any differences in perception between different customer segments, such as age and gender. The results of the study showed that most customers preferred digital payment methods due to convenience, security, and ease of use. It also showed that perception differences existed between different customer segments, with younger customers using digital payment methods than older customers. The study conducted for 125 convenient or Purposive sample methods, and has been this study analysis SPSS tools version 22* such as Simple percentage analysis and Henry Garrett’s Ranking Technique. Keyword’s: Digital payment system, Digital Banking, Purchasing, Retail Shops

Author Information
Dr. P.Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce (A&F), Kangeyam Institute of Commerce, Kangeyam, Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu.
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Mar 2025
Issue Pages

Issue References


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