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A Study on Customer’s Expectations in Hotel Industry in Trichy Districts

Issue Abstract

The aim of this paper was to examine the  Customer’s expectations in the hotel industry in Trichy district.  Descriptive statistics and regression analysis were employed for the test of the hypotheses. The findings revealed that customer expectation has a significant effect on both customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. In addition, clear statistic revealed that increased services such as babysitter and internet reserving system are highly expected by customers. Collected data was analyzed according to the objectives of the present research and result of
the statistical analysis to compile the result. Hence it is suggested that customers should proactively monitor hotels’ preferences with regard to the service charges; delivering of doorsteps of the food promptly and issue of new taste and recipe due to loss of modernization in order to retain their customers. 
Keywords: Hotel Industry, Expectations, Preferences, etc. 

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Oct 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References


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