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A Study on Customer’s Expectations in Hotel Industry in Kanchipuram Districts

Issue Abstract

This report looked at what customers in the Kanchipuram district expected from the hotel business. Regression analysis and descriptive statistics were used to examine the hypotheses. The results showed that consumer expectations have a big impact on loyalty and customer happiness. Furthermore, a glaring statistic showed that
consumers really anticipate more services like babysitting and online reservations. To assemble the results, the collected data was analyzed in accordance with the goals of the current study and the findings of the statistical analysis. Therefore, it is advised that in order to keep hotels in business, patrons should actively check their preferences regarding service fees, timely meal delivery to doorsteps, and the introduction of new flavors and recipes in response to a decline in modernity.
Keywords: Hotel Industry, Expectations and Preferences.

Author Information
Dr. G. Sivabalan
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Aug 2022
Issue Pages

Issue References

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