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A Study on Customer Satisfaction Towards Online Portals with Reference to Svm Kia Automobiles

Issue Abstract

The largest factor in both customer satisfaction and customer attractiveness is online buying. The majority of businesses in today's technologically advanced world use online purchasing to both please and draw in new clients. The impact of internet shopping on raising consumer satisfaction is the main topic of this study paper. In addition to this goal, the study also tries to ascertain the level of consumer satisfaction with the products and services. The study also sought to determine how internet shopping affects consumers' quality of life. The study was conducted using the positivist ideology, descriptive design, deductive research strategy, and primary data-gathering method. The study's conclusions make it clear that Internet shopping benefits businesses by expanding their market share and enabling higher levels of customer satisfaction within the company. The study has also made it clear that online shopping has a variety of consequences for an organization's company.Based on the data, it is desired that online shopping helps an organization expand, as this would result in more financial benefits for the firm.
Keywords: - customer satisfaction, online shopping, internet marketing, online customer, business.

Author Information
Mr.N.Kamalesh Kumar
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 May 2024
Issue Pages

Issue References

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