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A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards Hotel Industry in Vellore District

Issue Abstract

This research paper is aimed at studying customer satisfaction with respect to Hotels in and around Vellore District. The main objective is to explore the level of customer satisfaction towards the hotel industry in the Vellore district to retain the customers in the business to help for improvement of customer services and to know the factors that motivate the customers towards hotels. A well-structured Questionnaire is used to collect primary data. The sample size is 100, and variance and confidence methods are used to determine sample size. The researcher
adopted simple random sampling for the study. Finally, it has been identified that the overall assessment of customer satisfaction in the hotel industry is good.
Key Words: Customer Satisfaction, Hotel Industry, and Service Sector.

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Sep 2015
Issue Pages

Issue References


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