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A Study on the Customer Satisfaction LIC with Special Reference to Thiruvarur District

Issue Abstract

The life insurance business depends on the awareness of the customers about the products and satisfaction. Customer service assumes vital importance in the marketing programmes of all modern organization including service organisation. The basics of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) include a business strategy that focuses on developing and retaining the relationships existing between customer and organization. It also provides the customer with a much needed avenue to find expression for his problems, ideas and suggestion. The most important factors in the insurance industry are the security of the amount insured and customer satisfaction. The best way of surviving and prospering in the competitive environment is through providing prompt relevant and
efficient customer service at measurable cost. In order to attain sustainable growth in the competitive environment, offering quality service is the only differentiating factor.

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jun 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References

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