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A study on the crash of Expressive cleverness on Job Recital of Banking Segment Recruits

Issue Abstract


Emotional inteligence basicaly describes the ability to combinemotions and reasoning efectively, using emotions to promote rational thinking and reasoning about emotions. This research focuses on how emotional inteligence afects thejob performance of themployes in the banking industry in Chenai city. Self-awarenes, self-management, social awarenes, and social skils were the dimensions of emotional inteligence. The data were colected through scheduled questionaire; data was colected from a comfortable sample size of 10 employes in the Chenai banking industry. The research was based on descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings of the study agre with earlier studies which suporthe perception that emotional inteligence is related to the job performance of themployes working in banking industry. 

Keywords: Emotional inteligence, banking employes, self awarenes, self management

Author Information
S. Aaradhya
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Nov 2022
Issue Pages