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A Study on Consumer’s Attitude towards Green Marketing

Issue Abstract

The last few decades have witnessed the growing importance of the concept of green
marketing. Green marketing has an important impact on consumer purchasing behaviour. This
research paper is an endeavour to analyse the consumer buying behaviour towards the green
market products in Chennai city. The main objective of this study is to analyze the attitude
and behaviour of consumers towards green products. The data was collected from 100
respondents. Secondary data was collected from the available literature sources. The core
idea of green marketing is to create awareness among people on the environmental issues
and how consumers would help the environment if they switch over to green products.
Thus green marketing aims to provide more information to people and also gives consumers
more choices to change over to a green lifestyle.

Key Words: Green Marketing, Consumer Awareness, Consumer Purchasing Behaviour.

Received : 12th November 2019
Accepted : 15th November 2019
Published : 15th December 2019

Author Information
Dr. M. Vidya
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Dec 2019
Issue Pages

Issue References

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AIMA Journal of Management & Research, February 2014, Volume 8 Issue 1/4,
ISSN 0974 – 497