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A Study on Consumer Perceived risk in Online Shopping among the Student Special reference to Thiruvannamalai

Issue Abstract


      This project is titled “A Study on consumer perceived risk in online shopping”. With the advancement of contemporary technology, people's lifestyles are changing constantly. Due to recent advances, consumers' buying behavior has also transformed. Online shopping is replacing traditional retail purchases. The goal of this research was to learn about people's attitudes toward online shopping and to determine if customers prefer online shopping or in-store purchasing, and why. The primary data for this study was gathered via a survey of 100 Thiruvannamalai customers utilizing a questionnaire. The findings of the survey showed that buyers have a good attitude towards online purchasing and that many aspects related to online shopping have emerged.

Keywords: Online shopping, Factor Analysis, Consumers’ Perception.

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jan 2024
Issue Pages

Issue References


Research Methodology for Commerce – K. Venugopalan Research Methodology – C.R.Kothari

Quantitative Technology – L.R.Potty

E-Commerce – Pooja, Walia Mann Niphi

E-Commerce ( an Indian Perspective) –P.T.Joseph.S.J