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Study on consumer Awareness on Using as a Promotional Device in FMCG Industry

Issue Abstract


The purpose of this study is to examine consumer awareness of using AR as a promotional tool in the FMCG industry. The use of marketing as a tool for the survival of companies has become integral and there is a rising usage of companies using AR to market their products. Therefore the purpose of this study is to identify whether the said usage of AR in marketing has been beneficial to the consumers. A questionnaire has been developed and sent to a diverse group. The result revealed that there was an impact on the usage of AR as a promotional tool for consumers. 

Keywords: Augmented reality (AR), Promotional Techniques, FMCG Industry and Consumer awareness.

Received : 07th January 2022 

Accepted : 15th January 2022 

Published : 25th February 2022



Author Information
Jayasri .G
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Feb 2022
Issue Pages