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A Study on Competency Mapping Among the Employees of Selected Private Sector Banks in Chennai City

Issue Abstract

Competency is the potential of an individual developing behavior, sufficient for the job requirements governed by parameters of the organizational climate in achieving desired results. The competency mix is composed of Knowledge, Skills, and Attitude. The competencies are classified into two categories namely Core Competencies and Professional Competencies or functional competencies. Competency mapping recognizes the competency of an individual or group of individuals about job requirements. Competency mapping envisages development and sustainability of competency, based on the changing organizational needs. For current research four private sector banks namely HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, Kotak Mahindra Bank, and Axis Bank were selected. The simple random convenience sampling method was adopted. The data were collected 50 respondents from each bank. Altogether 200 samples collected from all the four banks. The study found that majority 55.5% of the respondents are having a high level of competency mapping. Also, the factors of competency mapping namely Relationship management,
Communication, Task proficiency, Leadership, and Adaptability significantly is influencing towards the job performance among the employees selected private sector banks employees in Chennai city. The study also determined that there is a significant correlation between competency mapping and job Performance among the employees of selected private sector banks in Chennai city.
Keywords: Competency, Mapping, Banks and Performance

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Mar 2018
Issue Pages

Issue References


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