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A study on commercial Social Blame towards Women Empowerment with special Orientation

Issue Abstract


Today women are making their presence felt in every field. Making general statements on the correlation of the impacts of social development and the situation of woman is very difficult because the political, economic and cultural framework differ greatly from one country to another. However, discrimination against woman manifests in itself in most traditional as well as modern societies. As CSR deals with corporate's responsibility towards society, talking about women workforce become equally important. Corporate world now recognizes women in every possible area in which it functions. Society's development without development of women is unimaginable. Corporate social responsibility towards women empowerment can become ray of hope in many ways right from changing attitude towards women in the society to making women independent financially, physically and socially. The motive behind joining CSR with women empowerment is to provide solutions to women related issues. Every project needs finance from society which can be amply supplied by big business houses but society should also become instrumental in developing women's status
Keywords: Discrimination, Society, Empowerment, Development

Author Information
Jayarama krishnan .A
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jun 2022
Issue Pages

Issue References


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