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A Study on Challenges and opportunities of E-Banking in Bengaluru

Issue Abstract

Banking acts as a life-blood of an economy, as it helps in forecasting the future of a country. The traditional methods of banking acts as a base for the banking sector to grow and due to which there is gradual increase in our GDP. The banks have to update themselves with the changing trends and technology in their operations. By introducing new features over the existing ones they can have smooth functioning of the services they provide and attain better customer satisfaction. The concept of banking services is still not so prevalent in India when compared to our western counterparts. Through this study an attempt has been made to understand the opportunities and challenges faced in e-banking in the Indian context in general and Bengaluru in specific. It emphasises on the customer’s perspective in using E-banking services. The information is collected through a structured questionnaire and other secondary sources. For the primary data questionnaire was circulated. The analysis is drawn using mean, standard deviation and ANOVA through SPSS software.
Key words: Challenges, Customers, Opportunities and E-services

Author Information
V. Shivani
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jan 2019
Issue Pages

Issue References

1. Kumari Nidhi (2016)
2. Trivedi & Patel (2013)
3. Farshad Havasi, Fattaneh Alizadeh Meshkany, Reza Hashemi (2013)