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A Study on Bank Employees Perception Towards Green Finance Implementation in Banking Sector with Special Reference to Chennai Region.

Issue Abstract

This study article seeks to investigate bank employees' attitudes regarding the implementation of green finance practices in the banking sector, with a particular emphasis on the Chennai region. Green finance encompasses financial actions that promote environmental sustainability and prevent climate change. The study will look at bank workers' attitudes, expertise, and experiences with green finance projects, as well as their potential impact on the banking sector's overall performance and growth.The study takes a qualitative approach, conducting in-depth interviews and questionnaires with bank personnel at various levels and departments in the Chennai region. The research objectives investigate the awareness and comprehension of green finance, the problems encountered in its implementation, and the role of employees in promoting. Green finance has developed as an important strategy for fostering long-term economic development by incorporating environmental factors into financial decision-making processes. The financial sector plays an important role in aiding the transition to a greener economy by implementing green finance practices.Key words: Understanding of Green Finance, Sustainability of Banking Perception, Training and Capacity Building, Renewable Energy, Eco-friendly Finance.

Author Information
P. Chandru
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 May 2024
Issue Pages

Issue References

Biswas, S. (2022). Indian bank employees' perceptions of green banking: A study. Journal of Banking and Finance, 1-20.
Joshi, A., & Shukla, P. (2021). Factors influencing the adoption of green banking practices among Indian bank employees. Journal of Cleaner Production, 285, 120180.
Dharmaraj, S., & Kumaresan, S. (2020). Customer perceptions of green banking initiatives in selected banks in the Chennai region. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 38(7-8), 1015- 1035.