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A Study on the Awareness of Cosmetic Contamination among Women in Digital ERA

Issue Abstract

Cosmetics are products which are used to change the presence of the appearance or the odour and consistency of the body.To analysis their awareness of cosmetics among women in digital era and to highlights the impact of cosmetics contamination on women in digital era. Each day women use so many products in the name of make-up and beauty care. Skin is the mainstructure in our form and fascinatessubstances directly into the bloodstream higher than if it was digested.
Keywords: Cosmetic contamination,digital Era

Author Information
S. Priya
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Nov 2019
Issue Pages

Issue References

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2. Persaud L.Cosmetic Contamination awareness among adolescent females, Brooklyn, Ny:Brooklyn Technical High School:2007.
3. Schneider G, Gohla.S.Schreiber, Kaden W, Schonrock U, Schmidt- Lewerkuhne H et al. Skin Cosmetics in Ullmann’s encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry Weinheim: wiley- VCH; 2005.