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A Study on Attitude of Young Consumers towards Social Media Marketing in Cochin City

Issue Abstract

Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms and websites to promote a product or service.
The usage of Social Media is increasing exponentially to satisfy the social needs of internet users, at the same time it has also increased the opportunities for corporate to market their products and services in a personalized way.
Youngsters are the enthusiastic users of these sites and frequently use the services such as messaging, sharing
photos, posting audios and videos, group discussion,  blogging and advertisement by E-retailers. Young people
 are now a days progressively able to affect the purchase and decision making of others and also able to act
independently. Youth market is asserted to be shaping  future marketing trends. This paper attempts to examine the attitude of young consumers towards the Social Media Marketing. The study is mainly based on primary data
collected from the youngsters in Cochin City by providing questionnaires. The respondents have been selected by
employing convenient sampling. Simple mathematical tools and statistical tools are used for data analysis. This paper is also helpful in identifying the parameters on which organizations should prefer social media marketing instead  of traditional marketing.   
Keywords: Social Media, Attitude, Social Networking Sites, Youth, Cochin City. 

Author Information
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Issue Publish Date
05 Oct 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References


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