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A Study among the Shareholders in Chidambaram Taluk, Cuddalore District, Tamil Nadu

Issue Abstract

The household sector represented by individuals occupies a strategic place among various economic units in a country as it contributes substantially to domestic savings efforts. An understanding of the savings behavior of this sector is of crucial importance in devising appropriate savings policies. Several investment avenues are available to the individual investors. Among them shares are considered as best investment avenues since they offer a higher rate of return, risk-bearing capacity, investor awareness, and selection of investment pattern, the researcher was taken by the attitude of the individual investor‟s behavior in Chidambaram Taluk of Cuddalore District, Tamil Nadu. The attitudes of the sample individual investors have adopted assessed with the help of five-point scaling technique

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Nov 2016
Issue Pages

Issue References


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