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A Study on Agricultural Finance in India a Special Reference with NABARD

Issue Abstract

Agriculture plays a pivotal role in the Indian economy, which has recently positioned itself as one of the fastest-growing economies globally. The agricultural sector significantly influences the development of various industries, including textiles, sugar, and tea, with the success of these agro-based industries being contingent upon the availability of agricultural inputs. Furthermore, the banking and financial sectors have made substantial contributions to the current economic growth of India, highlighting the importance of financial services in this context. The advancement of agricultural credit in India has been largely reliant on government intervention throughout the years, and reforms within the banking sector have had a notable impact on agriculture. This paper provides an overview of agricultural finance in India, with a particular focus on the role of NABARD.

Author Information
J. Subashini
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Aug 2024
Issue Pages
234 -240

Issue References


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