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Strength and Durability Test on Partial Replacement of Cement by Glass Powder in Self- Compacting Concrete

Issue Abstract

Self-compacting solid that can stream under its own weight and complete the shape work, even within the sight of thick
support, without requiring any vibration while saving homogeneity. ). SCC can likewise be utilized in circumstances where
mechanical compaction for new cement is troublesome or difficult to utilize, for example, submerged cementing,
projecting in-situ heap establishments, machine bases and sections or dividers with clogged fortification The piece of SCC
is like that of ordinary cement but to accomplish self-stream admixtures, for example, fly debris, glass filler, calcareous
powder, The various properties of the materials in the exploratory program were resolved. Glass Powders qualities and
the benefits of utilizing them with concrete were examined. An exhaustive investigation on glass powder concrete was
likewise directed. Concrete will be supplanted by 5 percent, 10%, 15 percent, 20%, 25 percent, concrete weight. The
solid shapes, chambers and crystals were projected 150x150x150 mm, 150 mm x 300mmhigh, 700x150x150 mm. Utilizing
swamp cone test, super plasticizer will be included for improved usefulness and ideal measurements was determined.
Distinctive quality and continuance tests will be performed.

Author Information
Aravindan K
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Apr 2020
Issue Pages

Issue References

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