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Strategic Human Resource Management: A Study of Visakhapatnam Steel Plant RINL

Issue Abstract

The global economic scenario has been fast changing. Scientific and technological advancements have transformed our industrial enterprises. Sophisticated projects aimed at enriching the quality of life and due to this the common man’s quality of life in society has been on the increase. Communication facilities have shortened the distance between nations and people. People have access to information even from remote corners. Medical advancements have provided relief to innumerable number of sick people all over the country. While one  can be legitimately proud of these advancements and developments and these developments have also left behind many unforeseen problems and issues, which are becoming formidable to face. The society appears to be struck with destructive forces. The values are getting further diluted. The cultural backup is losing its strength. This study is entitled with strategic human resource management with a special reference of Visakhapatnam steel plant

Author Information
Mr. P.Ravi Sankar
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jul 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References

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5. Byars and Rue. Human Resource Management, Published by McGraw-Hill/Irwin (2007).