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Servqual Attributes: The Multi Facet Expectations and Satisfaction Among the Customers of Diversified Cultural Background

Issue Abstract

The number of arrivals of national and international tourists is gradually increasing in Tiruchirappalli. It is the need of the hour to analyze the quality of the services asserted by the star hoteliers in Tiruchirappalli. The central objective of this research is to examine the perceptions of the customers (national and international) regarding the services availed by them during their stay in the hotel. The perceptions are collected through SERVQUAL five attributes Tangibility, Reliability, Responsiveness and Empathy. By applying various analysis and tools, it was discovered that the guests were satisfied with the services but yet not delighted with the quality. The key discovery of the study is that the hotel guests’ perceptions of service quality provided by the hotel industries were not upto their expectations. The guests showed a positive attitude towards the reliable services rendered by the hoteliers. The hotels still have to conceptualize and enhance the quality of the services provided by the employees to the guests who belong to different cultural background.   

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Issue Publish Date
05 Oct 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References


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