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Service Quality Perception and Awareness of E-Banking in Public and Private Sector Banks in Chennai District

Issue Abstract

The banking and financial industry has the country overall by supplying the necessary funding for various economic sectors. Since this is a service industry, employee productivity affects the calibre of services provided. The primary focus of this study is the awareness of the Chennai district's customers of public and private sector banks. This study's primary objectives are to ascertain customer expectations about bank service, as well as how consumers view the quality of service and service quality caps offered by the two sector banks in the Chennai region. The SERVQUAL method's fundamental structures were used in the observed approach to gauge banks' service quality. Respondents were chosen using sampling techniques from among clients of two commercial (Axis and ICICI banks) and two public (SBI and Indian Bank) banks in the Chennai district. To keep their market share in Chennai, public sector banks, in particular, need to perform better.
Keywords: Customer awareness, SERVQAL, banking industry, and service quality, among other things.

Author Information
Dr. N. Leela
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Aug 2024
Issue Pages

Issue References


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