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Security Issues in Internet of Things : An Observed Study A Study on Student Satisfaction and Quality of service provides by Bank in Educational Loan with Special Reference to Private and Public Sector Banks in Trichy District

Issue Abstract

Higher education is one of the growing horizons in present  scenario. This paper has been designed with the objective that whether education loans are beneficial for students both in rural and urban area. The data’s are  based on the  information obtained from primary sources which includes 135  students who have taken education loan from the banks. Secondary data is collected from relevant websites and reports These loans are therefore a method for private contributions towards the costs of higher education in a easy way. An aim where student support system is to ensure their upfront costs do not deter potential students. The education loan scheme is beneficial for all whether these are students, educational organizational or banks.  
Keywords: Banks, Beneficial, Educational organizations, Education loan, Students. 

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Dec 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References


  1. Georgescu, M. (2005), The Future of E-Learning: Designing Tomorrow's Education, Collaborative Support Systems In Business Education, Babes Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca, Available at SSRN.  

  2. Amarjit Singh Lall, The Journal of Banking studies, March 1999, Vol. XVIII No.3, P.18. 

  3. Nagaraj Mylandla, “Corporate Reports”, Business India, No.603, April 16th to 29th 2001, P.No.73.