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Rural marketing’s challenges and opportunity in India

Issue Abstract

Rural marketing is a process which start with a decision to produce saleable farm commodity and it involve all the aspect of market system and involve pre harvest and post harvest operation such as assembling,grading,storage, transportation and distribution fertilizers and pesticides, cattle feed and agricultural machinery. More than 50% of the national income is generated in rural India and there are opportunities to market modern goods and services in rural areas and also market agricultural products in urban areas. In fact it has been estimated that the rural markets are growing at five times the rate of urban markets. About 70% of bicycles, mechanical watches and radios and about 60% of batteries, sewing machine and table fans are sold in rural India. The villagers have not only adopted the modern ways of agriculture as a business but also have accepted modern living. Apart from the food items, they are involved in buying durable products. This change in the attitude of rural consumers is extensive across the countryside. The mounting rural market is important to growth of economic development of India. Rural markets have proved to be very attractive for corporate and the size of market is increasing gradually. The increased purchasing power of the rural consumers and the improved income distribution has increased rural demand for several products. With a population by now in excess of one billion people, India has attracted multinational corporations across the globe as a place of opportunity for exploring Fast pace of technology advanced every sphere of social, economic, political, cultural life, reduce cost and expect higher profit. So, they join rural market. The Indian rural market with its vast size and demand base offer a huge opportunity that companies cannot afford to ignore. We are a country with a 1.12 billion of people with 70% of live in rural areas which means more than 700 million people spread around6,27,000villages.India’s rural population comprise of 12% of the worlds population presenting a huge untapped market. People in the rural areas becoming more conscious about their life styles for better life. With increasing disposable income, consumer has become more demanding and choose in his purchase behavior than ever before. It analyzed the problem prevail in the rural marketing. It does quest the opportunities, rural marketing strategies problem alongwith challenges exist in rural marketing.Through,this article we would like to share some reason why brands are shifting their focus from metro cities and what we facing for achieving success in small cities and villages of India.
Keywords: Rural Market, Opportunities, Challenges.

Author Information
Alka Rani
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Mar 2019
Issue Pages

Issue References

1. Iyer, Vidya (2009-2010), “Rural Marketing”, SIES Journal of Management, Vol. 6, Iss. 2; pg. 110.

 2. Jha, M., (April 1999) „Rural Marketing: Some Conceptual issue‟ Rural Scan, vol. I no.2.

 3. Jha, Neeraj (2000), "Gung-ho on rural marketing", The Financial Express, June 19.

 4. Business World, The Marketing Whitebook 2010-2011. 

5. Jha, M., (April 1999) „Rural Marketing: Some Conceptual issue‟ Rural Scan, vol. I no.2. 

6. Jha, Neeraj (2000), "Gung-ho on rural marketing", The Financial Express, June 19. 

7.Business World, The Marketing Whitebook 2010-2011