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Role of Information Technology in Commercial Banking Sector in India

Issue Abstract

Banking environment has become highly competitive today. To be able to survive and grow in the changing market environment banks are going for the latest technologies, which is being perceived as an ‘enabling resource’ that can help in developing learner and more flexible structure that can respond quickly to the dynamics of a fast changing market scenario. It is also viewed as an instrument of cost reduction and effective communication with people and institutions associated with the banking business. Commercial Banking sector plays a very important role in India. With the use of technology there had been an increase in penetration, productivity and efficiency. It has not only increased the cost effectiveness but also has helped in making small value transactions viable. It also enhances choices, creates new markets, and improves productivity and efficiency. Commercial Banks in India are now becoming a one-stop Supermarket. The focus is shifting from mass banking to class banking with the introduction of value added and customized products. Technology allows banks to create what looks like a branch in a business building‘s lobby without having to hire manpower for manual operations. The branches are running on the concept of 24 X 7 working, made possible by the use of Tele banking, ATMs, Internet banking, Mobile banking and E-banking. These technologies driven delivery channels are being used to reach out to maximum number of customers at lower cost and in most efficient manner. The beauty of these banking innovations is that it puts both banker and customer in a win- win situation. Effective use of technology has a multiplier effect on growth and development.
Keywords: Commercial Banks, E - banking, Internet Banking, Information Technology.

Author Information
Dr. A. Megala
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Mar 2018
Issue Pages
266 - 271

Issue References


1) Jain M. &.Popli G.S., Role of Information Technology in the development of Banking Sector in India, RBI Annual Report.
2) Sharma M.C.,Role of Information Technolog  in Indian Banking Sector, International Journal in Multidisciplinary and Academic Research,2(1),1-12.
3) Sreelatha T and Chandra Sekhar, (2012), Role of Technology in Indian Banking Sector, IJMBS,