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Revolutionizing the Financial Landscape: The Rise of Fintech Startups

Issue Abstract

This research paper explores the phenomenon of financial technology (fintech) startups and their profound impact on the global financial industry. Fintech startups have emerged as disruptive innovators, leveraging technological advancements to revolutionize financial services and reshape traditional business models. This paper investigates the drivers behind the rapid rise of fintech startups, their key areas of operation, and the implications for various stakeholders. Furthermore, it examines the challenges and opportunities faced by fintech startups, along with the potential future developments in this dynamic and evolving sector.
Keywords: financial technology, fintech startups, technological advancements, stakeholders, challenges, opportunities, future developments

Author Information
Dr. B. Thulasipriya
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Sep 2023
Issue Pages

Issue References


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