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Research Assessment of Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad (IITH) During 2007 to 2021: A Scientometric Study

Issue Abstract


The present study aimed to analysis of publications of the Indian institute of technology (IITH) during 2007 to 2021, using various quantitative Scientometric indicators, viz, year wise- document types, ratio growth, exponential growth rate, countries, BRICS, institutions, and keywords. This study was taken a period of 15 years. the year 2007 to 2011with 97 (3.8%) of research output and total local citations (186) and Global citations (2111), followed by 2012 to 2016 with 989(39%) of research output; and total local citations (2070) and global citation (22915), 2017 to 2021 with 1454 (57.2%) of research output, but this year local citation low (871) and global citation is high (40090), According to type the researcher’s output was in the form of journals with 2347(92.4%), followed by Article proceedings paper 63 (2.5%), reviews with 56 (2.2%) and so on. Year-wise percentage of growth of Ratio (RoG) is calculated using the prior years as a base for expressing percentage change from one year to the next year. The growth rate was 1 for found in the duration of 2008 with 2 publications followed by 28 for found in the duration of 2010 with 28 publications, the county India with 2533(99.7%) publications, followed by the USA 407 (16%), The Czech Republic published the least number of publications 62 (2.4%). India was a clear leading the Publications. Indian institute of technology, Hyderabad 1544(60.8%) with and local citation score of 1751 and a global citation score of 40316 publications .it is followed by Stanford University 156(6.1%). Local citation score 128 and global citation score 20924 publications. Ohio State University published the least number of publications 98(3.9%), The IIT, Hyderabad was a leading institution.

Key Words: Scientometric, IIT, Relative Growth Rate, Exponential growth rate.etc.

Author Information
S. Ravi
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Feb 2023
Issue Pages

Issue References

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