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Recent Trends in India's Energy Sector: An analysis of Energy Statistics India

Issue Abstract


As the economy grows and diversifies, the need of energy both in quantity and quality gets enhanced making it imperative that besides making quantum jumps in the existing sources of energy, new sources of energy need to be unearthed. Energy sector is one of the most important segments of the economic infrastructure in every economy. This paper looks into the recent trends in India’s energy sector and attempts to analyze the energy statistics of India in detail. The skewed distribution of lignite has actually limited the use of lignite as an energy source in India. Renewable power in India shows that in 2017 and 2018, Gujarat was at the top of wind power energy production in India while in the case of small hydro power Karnataka was the forerunner. In the case of power from biomass, Punjab occupied the first position followed by Maharashtra. It is interesting to note that Rajasthan had the highest potential in the production of solar energy in India. Commercial sources of energy in India mainly include coal, lignite, crude oil, natural gas and electricity.
Keywords: Commercial Sources of Energy, Non- Renewable Sources, Structural Changes, Coal, LPG, Compound Annual Growth Rate, Trends in Growth Rate, SD

Author Information
Dr. Pradeep Kumar .B
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Mar 2018
Issue Pages

Issue References


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