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Public Service Accountability in A Parliamentary Democracy

Issue Abstract

In India widely recognized that governance today faces a serious crisis of accountability. The very fact that despite significant economic growth, and substantial increases in social sector expenditures, India continues to perform far worse than countries much poorer than her on key development parameters is an indicator of just how deep the problem of accountability is. The paper is makes the uses of secondary sources from published and unpublished journals and reports. The study briefly discussing on Understanding Accountability, Weak accountability of policy makers In India, Weak Accountability of service providers, Institutional design for Accountability, Regular, reliable and relevant information, Why Accountability, The Bases of Legitimacy, The Legislative Rationale, The Control or Accountability Rationale, Parliament Democracy with respect to the Public service accountability
Key Words: Public Service Accountability, Parliament, Democracy

Author Information
Dr. S. L. Sreekumar
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jan 2018
Issue Pages