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Professional and Habitual Three Dimensional model of Car with outline and Structural Stereotypes

Issue Abstract

While estimating the depth of object within each high quality tasks related to two dimensional and three dimensional conversions. This type of stereo conversion approach automatically estimates the two dimensional and three dimensional for corresponding the proposed depth that defines such dimensional models. Target object would be identical which provides deep view of the silhouette of object using strong depth. In a traditional model for three dimensional model generating the detailed knowledge of initial view of objects having structural design and matches the image position. It combines various sequences of images that have different views which vary with its perspective. It not only  eployed on images also with shadow of the car moving in front by comparing with the specified cars shadow and model. Applying different methods for generating the data utilizes  the high quality of different dimensional conversions.
Keywords: Depth Estimation, dimensional conversions, Contour Model and stereo  conversion.

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Issue Publish Date
05 Mar 2022
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Issue References

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