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Problems and Prospects of JLGS Of Women Farmers with special reference to Santhanpara Panchayat

Issue Abstract


Agriculture is the backbone of the Indian Economy. Indian agriculture sector accounts for 18 percent of India‟s GDP and provides employment to 50 percent of the country‟s workforce. Agriculture provides a labor-intensive source of employment, with cheap food, raw materials, labor, savings, and the demand for non-agricultural goods. JLGs of women farmers are formed under the collective farming initiative taken by Kudumbhashree. Over a period of time , the govt and various financial institutions have realized that women should have an independent source of income which will enable them to improve the economic conditions of their families, slowly but surely. 

Keywords: Joint Liability Groups (JLGs), Women marginal farmers, Collective farming, Peer pressure, Kudumbhashree.

Received : April 2022 

Accepted : April 2022 

Published : May 2022

Author Information
Gayathri .V
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 May 2022
Issue Pages