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A Pragmatic outlook on Pedagogical Didactics for and Ragogical Haptics in the Domain of Engineering English

Issue Abstract

“Engineering is not merely knowing and being knowledgeable like a walking encyclopedia, but refining the art of aligning the dynamics of technological change.”
– Gordon S. Brown
Seeing the panorama of an escalating rapidity in the technological revolution, the emergent intricacy of engineering culture, and exigency for ingenious engineering in the visage of universal race, engineering institutes global-wide are beleaguered to cultivate industrialized competencies amongst potential, acclimatized, imaginative engineers. These competencies should be versioned as constructive in any engineering profession, i.e. manifestation of running with prospects, triggering and administrating conceptual and empirical resources amid indeterminate risks to inflate multi-disciplinary extensiveness in the engineering graduate supplementing their technical knowledge and proficiency. Intensifying such competencies in engineering graduates entails a swap in the mode of how the engineering is skilled, and how curricula are designed and evaluated. This educational modernization has been documented as a discrete fragment of study, which hooks up engineering education with exclusivity. The nascent erudition has promoted the progressive engineering strategy consisting of activating the action, and venture projects, functioning with authentic issues, and visualizing new-fangled proposals through edifice and alliance with corporatists. It reverberates on academic contemplations concerning the educational configuration in professional engineering research, where expedient learning has been the ultimate pedagogy for professional competence advancement. Succinctly, the experimental andragogy accentuates focusing only on student-centered projects, engrossing the student’s whole commitment and employing pertinent teaching-learning processes in line with tangible applications of real life. As the engineer should be an intermediary between the logician and the artisan like an exponent between two aliens by assimilating the dialect of both, pragmatically and ideally, this paper explores and explicates a concomitant pedagogical ethics in respect of facilitating the progress of professional competencies and skills of andragogy in the specialty of Advanced Engineering English.

Received : 20th November 2019 

Accepted : 15th November 2019
Published : 15th December 2019




Author Information
B. Mohana Priya
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Dec 2019
Issue Pages

Issue References

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