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Possibilities and Challenges in Applicability of Artificial Inteligence in Agriculture Sector

Issue Abstract

In our country 229 million people still live in poverty. According to UN in India 195 million people are living without proper food. In which 43 percentage of children are chronically undernourished due to shortage of food. Our present problem is our need level twice than our production.The only way to overcome these problems by providing adequate importance to the food grains and other agricultural products. It will help to eradicate our food inadequacy, that is why this study is relevant, application of artificial intelligence in agriculture sector because AI has emerged as transformative technology with high potential power to rejuvenate various sectors including agriculture. This paper mainly focusing on the possibilities and challenges in applicability of artificial intelligence. Here by writing a skeleton for improving agricultural practices and productivity by using AI for permanent solution to the food inadequacy and sustainable farming. By rising a suggestion that AI are the crucial tool for modernizing agriculture and creating it as sustainable and efficient in future.
Keywords: artificial intelligence, agriculture, possibilities, challenges

Author Information
Sajeer C,
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Sep 2023
Issue Pages

Issue References

1. Jiali Zha (2020) Artificial intelligence in agriculture Journal of physics conference series
2. Mohd Javaid ,Abid Haleem ,Ibrahim Haleem Khan, Rajiv Susan(2023)Understanding the potential applications of AI in agriculture sector,AdvancedAgrochem