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Political Empowerment of SHGS Women In India

Issue Abstract

Political empowerment is one of major segments of women empowerment which promote SHGs women change the socio- economic emancipation in individual and society. Self help group is formation of 15 to 20 members sharing exchange of idea through grama Sabha their social activities among members in their own village. Our Indian Political constitution women to participate gathering the political information in rare occasion there is no improvement their economic, social, education and political empowerment. Self help group is major criteria help to promote the political discrimination and traditional set up. Indian Political legislation men compare women representatives to assembly sharing the parliament, Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha is very difficult.
Keywords: Political, empowerment, SHG, Grama Sabha, Panchayat

Author Information
S. Karthikeyan
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Aug 2024
Issue Pages

Issue References


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