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Personnel Management Practices in TNSTC with Special Reference of Pudukkottai District

Issue Abstract

Human resources play a crucial role in the development process of modern economics. Arthur Lewis observed, “There are great differences in development between  countries which seem to have roughly equal resources, so it is necessary to enquire into the difference in human behavior.” It is often felt that though the exploitation of natural resources, availability of physical and financial resources and international aid play prominent roles in the growth of modern economies, none of these factors is more significant than efficient and committed manpower. It is in fact said that all development comes from the human mind. This study is an attempt to find out the efficiency of personnel management practices in TNSTC in Pudukkottai District which is the present research region.
Keywords: personnel management, human resources and organization.

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jun 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References


The economic growth that India has witnessed over the last few years resulted in rapidly rising transport needs. 
Simultaneously concerns are being raised the sustainability of the transport factor in the country by a significant and rising share in emissions, both global and local. Whenever the transport system is highly utilized there is a possibility to access health care, education and fulfills other basic needs. In the case of passenger road transport, meeting mobility requirements efficiently and addressing environmental and developmental concerns require a great attention to the efficient personnel management. Personnel Management practices followed in TNSTC Ltd. were found satisfactory. The succession of organization is purely depended on  employees’ comfort and satisfaction. Hence the employees’ needs and wants should be fulfilled by the organization for its success.
Framing ideal policies and proper practices for employees are essential for an organization to make them suitable for contributing more for the succession of organization. Relationship between management and employees may face conflicts and it may lead for some bad consequences like low productivity, loss in organization economy, high rate of labor turnover and loss of reputation etc. Organization management is a priceless asset for higher production and effective service. Hence almost all the fields in developed countries are recognizing their human resource by and large extent. It is a great blessing to the nation. Transport Corporation is mostly related with employee’s effort and associated with their output for corporation. There is no doubt that employees will deserve for awards and rewards for their services when they follow the suggestions discussed above. Therefore the corporation should focus more on the above aspects that influence the personnel
management practices.