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Performance of Micro Small Medium Enterprises in Indian Economy

Issue Abstract

Micro small medium enterprises are one of the trading activities supplies of multi variety commercial goods in modern marketing. MSME entrepreneur’s creativity of micro enterprises commenced on sole and partnership firm under registration of MSME act. Entrepreneurs have not sufficient knowledge however manage financial and marketing network throughout country. Micro small medium enterprises provide golden opportunities of employment and income generation activities to individuals and society. Micro entrepreneurs have minimum investment established manufacturing of new traditional product supply and distribution at reasonable price in marketing. Entrepreneurs marketing network sharing communication is lacking of information and business technology because their extent the international business. This paper is highlighted on performance of micro small medium enterprise in Indian economy.

Keywords: Manufacturing, Entrepreneurs, Service, Employment, Economy

Author Information
S. Sudha Christi Joy, M.Sc., B. Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D.,
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Aug 2024
Issue Pages

Issue References


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