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Patanjali Brand Success or Failure a Special Reference to Kumbakonam Area Tamil Nadu

Issue Abstract

The word Brand is derived from the word ‘Brander ‘which means to burn while a product is a physical entity that lives in the real world, a brand is a perceptual entity that lives in the consumer’s mind. Patanjali Ayurved Kendra Ltd
was founded by Swami Ramdev and Acharya Balakrishna on September 27th, 2007. It started its operation in Katmandu, Nepal to provide holistic, natural and effective ayurvedic treatment. From animal trail to human trail, there will be an intense process of research. Any medicine will be first tested in the laboratory, then it will be used on rats and rabbits and after their successful use of animals it will be used on humans. They feel that the Patanjali brand is natural, environmental friendly, health friendly, produced with latest technology and most important it is Indian brand. All class of people is being succinct by the Patanjali Brand Irrespective of their deeds because
of having a higher grade quality hand with hand in pricing also. A well connected marketing is their memorably for their success

Author Information
Dr. R. Venkatesan
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Mar 2018
Issue Pages

Issue References


1) Aaker.David.A & Kelter,Kevin Lane;(1990)” consumer Evaluations of Brand
2) Extensions”,Journal of Marketing.
3) Brand M<anagement, Dr.L.Natarajan, Margham Publications.
4) Belk.R. situation variables and consumer behaviour,Journal of consumer.
5) Dr.Rajagopal,” Conational Drivers Influencing Brand Preference Among Consumers”.