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An Overview of Green Entrepreneurs in Kanyakumari District

Issue Abstract

The part of entrepreneurs may be offering green products at high cheap and economical rates. Also endorsing the confined invention and financing on the ideas to create it essentially possible to offer cheaper energy options to all and identify resolutions to the current difficulties which may be highly economic and practical and applicable in low economic countries. As today’s customers become highly aware of the usual environment, businesses are beginning to change their thoughts and performance to address the apprehensions of customers. Green enterprise is becoming highly significant to businesses because of the customer’s genuine apprehensions about our restricted resources on the earth. By applying green events to secure the earth’s possessions in manufacture, packaging, and operations, businesses are displaying customers they too share similar apprehensions, boosting their credibility.
Keywords: Overview, Green Entrepreneurs

Author Information
M. R. Prema
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jun 2019
Issue Pages

Issue References

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