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Organic Farming : A New Formula for Sustainability

Issue Abstract

Organic farming is now picking up a greater momentum across the world. The paper examines the sustainability of organic farming through the framework of marketability and economic feasibility of organic agricultural products.India has traditionally been a nation of organic farming, yet the development of present day scientific input concentrated farming has pushed it to divider. In any case, the reactions of these current agricultural chemicals and machines bring up significant issue about the general advantages of present day innovative agricultural techniques. Agrarian chemicals including hormones and antibiotics leave deposit in nourishment that may cause disease like cancer and may even cause hereditary harm. The overuse of chemical fertilizers will exhaust our assets and have unfavorable impact on nature's stability particularly the climatic conditions. This inturn expanded mindfulness for keeping up an arrangement of sustainable agriculture in which organic farming
can be considered as one of the suitable technique. The case is pretty much same in Kerala where pesticides are utilized on farming terrains on an enormous scale. For having a maintainable future the customary type of cultivating needs to move back to clear route for the traditional rural strategies like natural cultivating. Besides that, the change of agriculture to 'agribusiness' brings up the issue of financial feasibility of organic farming when contrasted with regular type of conventional farming. This made the study to center around the sustainability issuesof farmers in organic farming with economic feasibility and marketability as the major concerns. The data collection is done with the assistance of both primary and secondary sources.The primary data is availed on the basis of cluster sampling using a well -structured interview schedule from a village where organic farming is practiced extensively. The cost-benefit analysis method is used to analyze the key concerns of the study. This inturn will help in influencing the Sustainable Development Goals of UN specifically Goal 2, Goal 8 and Goal 13.The analysis validate the way that organic farming is supportable just in the event that we think about the item quality, mental fulfillment, nourishment security and climatic conditions as the primary factors by keeping aside the worry of profitability. The paper additionally recommends that the support of State governments and NGOs in preparing the farmers to use the market channels legitimately and for the creation of more advantages about the openings, advantages and necessities in the national and international market among the agriculturists will make organic farming a most suitable strategy for sustainable agriculture with a profitable livelihood. This thus will draw in the young to take it as a source of employment..
Key Words: Organic farming, Sustainable agriculture, Marketability, Economic Feasibility,

Author Information
Bhavanababu R.S
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jan 2018
Issue Pages

Issue References

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