This conceptual paper provides a review of e-tailing and search engine optimization (SEO) and their impact on the Indian market. The e-commerce retail industry in India has experienced notable expansion in recent years, with increasing internet penetration, rising disposable incomes, and the COVID-19 pandemic driving the adoption of online shopping. Search engine optimization is a crucial component of e-tailing businesses in India, as it helps To enhance their online presence, increase credibility, and draw in a larger customer base. This chapter explores how search engine optimization impacts e-tailing businesses in India, including improved online visibility, increased credibility, cost-effective marketing, competitive advantage, and enhanced user experience. Additionally, it discusses the challenges and opportunities that e-tailers face in implementing search engine optimization strategies, such as optimizing for local languages and identifying niche markets. Overall, this paper highlights the importance of search engine optimization for e-tailing businesses in India and the significant impact it has on their success in the market. By investing in search engine optimization, e-tailers can enhance their digital visibility entice a larger customer base, and gain a competitive advantage in the rapidly growing e-tailing industry in India.
Keywords: Electronic retailing, Search Engine Optimization.
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