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Navigating complexity: A comprehensive study on challenges Faced by Customers in Export of Ocean Freight

Issue Abstract

This study is all about the factors that are affecting the export of freight. This research shows the hurdles that a exporter who is the customer used to undergo during his work of ocean export. This study only shows the five prime factors which will affect the export of ocean freight that are Documentation, Operation, Customs, Transportation, and Delivery .The study applies a quantitative approach, by conducting surveys with a diverse 150 sample from the customers of export of ocean freight in the Singapore area. the research identifies and quantifies the key determinants (Documentation, Operation, Customs, Transportation, and Delivery) that affect the business of the consumer in the export of ocean freight. Findings from this study will provide valuable insights for consumers and freight forwarders operating in the import of air freight. Ultimately, this research aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of challenges faced by customers & freight forwarders in the export of ocean freight and all the measures undertaken to overcome those hurdles.
Keywords: Ocean Trade, Exporting , Freight forwarder, Traders , Customer challenges in Exports, Customs, Agent, Transportation.

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 May 2024
Issue Pages

Issue References


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