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The Nature and Character of Pakistan Political System: A Study

Issue Abstract

Pakistan became a Sovereign, Independent State in 1947. The political and ideological basis of Pakistan is the two-nation theory of Muhammad All Jinnah; which states that the Hindus and Muslims constitute two separate nations. Pakistan as created was a geographical monstrosity with no modern precedent in history - with two wings as West Pakistan and East Pakistan. Its national identify was thin and vulnerable. Its leadership was alien to the inhabitants of the territory which was now called Pakistan. The first popularly elected government of Pakistan led by Z.A. Bhutto failed miserably toestablish democratic traditions in the country. The authoritarianism and arrogant attitude
of Bhutto andsome of the progressive socioeconomic measures adopted by him alienated the powerful feudal and capitalist elements, as well as the army and the bureaucracy, which has had only contempt for democracy. So, the military bureaucratic clique, which so far tasted political power, again got a ‘golden opportunity’ to subvert the democratic process in Pakistan.

Author Information
Sri Thomas Varghese Pulickal
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jul 2017
Issue Pages