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Mining Cryptography Using Enhanced Apriori Algorithm

Issue Abstract

Developers use cryptographic primitives like block ciphers and message authenticate codes (MACs) to secure data and communications. Cryptographers know there is a right way and a wrong way to use these primitives, where the right way provides strong security guarantees and the wrong way invariably leads to trouble. This work analyzes cryptography misuse by software developers, from their contributions to online forums on cryptography-based security and cryptographic programming. Over the last few years, researchers proposed a multitude of automated bug-detection approaches that mine a class of bugs that we call API misuses. We also found that cryptographic bad practices frequently occur in pairs or triples. We related triple associations to use cases and tasks, characterizing worst case scenarios of cryptography misuse. In this paper, we proposed to design a modernized misuse detection System which consist method to find misuse detection. Our system proposed to find pattern of cryptography strength, which is profiled using an algorithm called Enhanced  Apriori Algorithm.
Keywords: MACs; Cryptography; Apriori Algorithm; Bug-Detection; API Misuses;

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Feb 2017
Issue Pages
77- 82

Issue References


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