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Marketing and Distribution of Organic Agricultural Products in Tamil Nadu

Issue Abstract

  One of the leading states in the production of horticulture crops, particularly organic fruits and vegetables, is Tamil Nadu. To increase their output, several arduous labors were put in. Additionally, it is crucial to have a strong marketing strategy so that manufacturers may acquire fair compensation for their goods and sell them at fair pricing. Therefore, it is essential to thoroughly investigate the current investigation into the production and marketing of organic fruits and vegetables in a few Tamil Nadu districts. To enhance the government's marketing
strategy, which will aid in boosting organic produce producers' output and marketing effectiveness. The production and marketing of organic fruits and vegetables are the focus of the current study. Cost of crops, marketing channels, marketing margins, expenses, pricing spreads, and other topics have also been addressed in this research of organic farmers. The study has also found issues farmers have while trying to market their food, as well as the organic cultivation of fruits and vegetables. The current study offers some further recommendations for improving the current marketing structure and raising the output of these crops. Given that some parts of Tamil Nadu have a huge potential for producing organic fruits and vegetables.

Author Information
Dr. V. Lakshmipathy
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jan 2023
Issue Pages

Issue References


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