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Making of A Social Intelligence Scale

Issue Abstract

Nowadays, it is being realized that the social intelligence play a vital role in the performance of corporate employees. The social intelligence is the capability to effectively navigate and negotiate complex social relationships and social interactions. It is an aggregate measure of self and social awareness, evolved social beliefs and attitudes, and a capacity to manage complex social change. The study measures the social intelligence of Indian corporate employees. Using a psychometric approach the test was designed based on Daniel Goleman’s model of social intelligence. The research was conducted with an intention to measure each of the eight sub-dimensions of social intelligence individually. These eight dimensions fall under the two major dimensions; ‘Social Awareness’ and ‘Social Facility’. The process, methodology and the experience of developing this social intelligence scale is discussed in this study. The research was conducted for 135 respondents and was tested for reliability and validity. This research is based on primary data which were collected through questionnaire.
Keywords: Social intelligence, Social awareness, Primal empathy, Social facility, Synchrony, Self presentation, Influence, Concern.

Author Information
Mr. M.S.Narayana
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Sep 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References

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